Properties for sale by Realty Pros of Costa Rica
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16 Hectares of land for sale in La Esperenza de Golfito Costa Rica. The property is priced to sell fast at less than $12,000 per hectare. The property has some terrain with good amounts of elevation change that offers views of the nearby mountains and jungle. A small portion of the property has been cleared near the road and used as a cattle field. The rest of the property is still wild with only the boundaries being of the parcel being cut. There are several creeks on the property and even a small waterfall. The property is about 3.3 Km from the main road to Golfito so you barely hear any traffic ever. Golfito has an active nightlife with lots of restaurants, bars and clubs. Golfito is know for world class fishing tours in deep waters were anglers can fish for giant Tuna, Mahi, Snapper, Sail Fish, Wahoo and many more big game fish. There is also lots of wildlife to see around this area as it ic close to the Piedras Blancas national park and the Golfito Wildlife Refuge. This property can be subdivided into smaller parcels by the future owner.
16.7 Hectares in the mountains of Golfito Costa Rica
Golfito, 60701